Monday, May 14, 2007

A little about what has been going on...

We have just had an anniversary on May 1st. We have been married for three years now, had two houses and have lived in three places, had six jobs all together, and too many good and bad times to count. It sounds like a lot , I know.
After moving into our first house in Clearfield, we remodeled and sold it to move to a bigger house in Syracuse, which we are working on improving.

We are still both working on getting through school. Todd has finally decided on a major, Spanish with an emphasis in Business and a minor in Information Systems and Technology, and he is getting pretty close to finishing. Let's just say, there is an end in sight. I graduated with my BA in Dec. '05 in English with a minor in Technical Writing. After that I was invited to stay on and teach Developmental English, which I was reluctant to but now I love it. Now along with teaching and tutoring a little, I am working on a Master's of English degree in a new program at Weber State. I guess you could say that our blood runs purple, but I have seen my blood and Todd's too, it's still red.

So after getting my degree, I wanted to start working on adding to our family. When we started trying to get pregnant, we had no idea what would be in store for us. In February, I went to my OB/GYN and was tested for the gammett. She found that I have PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome.) So now that the brakes were put on that idea, we have been rethinking getting pregnant right now. With my master's degree almost done and Todd's BA getting closer to the end, I guess when God changes his mind, he means it.

Other than that, we would love to hear from you all. We send our love out to everyone and hope to see you soon.


Anonymous said...


I am so excited you have a blog! It will be so fun to see what you are up to, and it is fun to see pictures of you and your cute husband! You look so great- and happy too! Keep the posts coming, it has been too long and it will be great to get to know you again.

Amee said...


I know what you are going through with not being able to get prego. It is so hard. I am so glad to have found your blog and to say hello! I hope that everything is going great! Our brand new blog is!

Amee Denny