Saturday, December 22, 2007


So I have been chastized because I don't update my blog all that often. Well guess what? There is nothing new in our lives--other than I feel like I am getting busier every day. I promise that as soon as something exciting happens, I will let you know.

Because I don't have any kids, or dogs, or anything to take pictures of, I decided to post some of the projects that I have been working on.

The first one is an advent calendar. I am suposed to put one ornament on santa's tree every day until Christmas, but I haven't been doing that. My mom helped me a lot with this one. She did a lot of it.

The second one is stockings. I did all of these ones myself. It was actually a lot of fun. All of the stitching with the names and binding wasn't as hard as I thought it would be.

Other than the random projects, I have just been teaching, which I love to do, and taking graduate classes, which is fun but challanging. There is no real update on my infertility problems. The doctor really wants my hormones to level out before I really can try to get pregnant. I am just tired of waiting.

Todd is also working, still with Fedex, and taking classes, still his undergraduate, but he is getting closer to his degree. He actually got his associates degree this semester. We do it all one step at a time.
We are both working for his grandmother's preschool, Barneck Preschool in Clearfield. We will be buying the business with his mom starting January 1. So we will both be spending more time there. We are still working in the Primary. They gave us the CTR 7 class for next year.

That is really about it. So if I don't update for a while, those of you who want an update will just have to ask questions. I don't know what people want to know.


Karen S. said...

Thanks for the update! Although we weren't one of the people buggin' you for tan update, it's sure good to hear what y'all are up to. Sounds like you really are busy. Good luck with the school and everything else. Hope you had a merry Christmas and have a happy New Year!
The Snows

Petersens said...

The stockings are adorable as well as the advant calender. It was good to see the update!-Heather

Tiffani said...

Briena commented on my blog and then I found yours. I am happy to see that you are married and busy with life.
It took us while to get pregnant as well and when I went in for tests they said that I too had Polycistic ovaries and they wanted me to do infertility. Well, I didn't feel right about it and I got pregnant naturally so maybe it will just happen but if not good luck starting your family, I know how frustrating it can be to wait.
Good luck with school and the new business.

Anonymous said...


I hope life is going well. Juline is coming into town sometime in March we totally need to get together! Call me. Happy Valentines Day!

Shanna said...

Kamri --

I found your blog through your sisters. I went over to Aubrey's and Briena was there and we had a lot of fun. I wanted to know more about this preschool. We have Samuel in one here in Roy, but are looking to move to Davis County and I need to find a new preschool and when I read your blog, I thought YEAH!!! I know someone with a preschool. So, if you could let me know a little more (like the address) I hope we might make it work for next year. Thanks,


Amee said...

Kam-- This is Amee Denny just wanted to say hello and that I totally know what you are going through! Well you do sound busy and that is a very very good thing! Our new blog is

Amee D