So it has been quite a while since I posted anything. Things have been just a bit crazy. Now that the fall semester has started, it just seems to get more and more busy. Along with graduate classes, I am teaching also, it's only adjunct, but it is six credits. On top of all of that Todd, my mother-in-law, and I are starting the grueling process of taking over a preschool. Todd's grandparents have been running this preschool for about 50 years, so it is kind of hard for them to let it go, but it is necessary. If that weren't enough, Todd's brother is getting married on Sept. 20 (which means showers, shopping, temple visits, and on an on), both my sisters have had babies. Briena on July 3 and Aubrey on Sept. 9. Now that I write it all out it is a wonder I have any time for anything else.
So for those of you who kind of know what is going on in my life (and if you don't, just read the previous posts and this will make sense), I have been seeing an Endocrinologist (a hormone doctor) because I have PCOS, which is a hormone imbalance. Anyway, after many blood tests, he is sure it is pcos and was excited because my hormone levels seem to be leveling out. I don't know if that makes sense to anyone but me, but basically it means that I can't get pregnant like everyone else does. It is going to take time and medication. I will keep updating on this so check back.
I guess that is about it. Hopefully things will get more organized so that I can handle all of this stuff. We will see.
Kam! Keep updating, I love to hear how you are doing. I hope you are able to work things out with Pcos. I know its way hard, my sister is now the expert on it, so I can kinda understand your situation. I hope life settles down for you! Keep me posted!
Sounds like things are pretty crazy around there! Hey, at least you have plenty to blog about!
I hope things get better with the pcos, I am a firm believer in kids coming when they are supposed to. You'll be amazed at how great it all works out in the end.
It's about time you updated!!!! Sorry to hear about the troubles. Hey look at is this way "Hair Day" should scare anyone from wanting to having kids. (a little chaotic with all those little ones)
Kamri- I am so glad to see how you are doing good! I found your page through Charlyn, but its awesome!! I totally understand your pcos, I am in line for a hysterectomy, crazy life. However I do have a dr. that has changed things for me and he's awesome. if you want e-mail me and I can talk to you about it! Petersen (it was Redford)
Long time, I havent heard from you in forever old roomie! I found your blog thru Briena's, thru Meghann's. Am I the only one in the world that doesnt have a blog? Or FaceBook, or MySpace....
Email me (At least I have that!)
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