Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Yard Update

So yesterday was very exciting for our large piles of dirt outside. It has been seeded-- hydroseeded to be exact. i don't have any pictures because it is really gross and just looks like wet dirt. the landscaper said that we should see sprouting grass in a week. A WEEK! isn't that amazing. We also bought some trees and bushes and such from J and J Nursery on monday and Todd got a few planted before they started to hydro (which is a nasty process by the way). So soon we will have grass. And i say just grass because there are soooooo many flowerbeds yet to be planted or planned out or anything like that. I want to plant some Hydrangeas somewhere. so anyone who has had experience with that, let me know what you did.

So hopefully we will be able to do some fun things in the yard this summer, like parties adn bbqs so let me know if you want to come.


Evans Family said...

Sign us up for the bbq". Big job!
love mom

Briena Harris said...

Us too!!!