Wednesday, September 3, 2008

My first surgery...except for my wisdom teeth

Yesterday, I went in for a Laperoscopy (I can't spell that) and a Hysterosocopy (that one either). The doctor found a lot of cysts, that one I knew would be in there, I could feel it, but he also found some Endometriosis, that one I didn't know about.

After a day of rest, I am back to my usual schedule. I am giving a writing assignment in my first class today and the same in my later class. I think i am doing fine. I am a bit woosy from the pain killers, and I had to arrange a ride here and home.

So I had to miss the first day of preschool for the twins but all in all I think they did ok without me there.


Christy said...

Hey Kamri... this is Christy Hales. I don't know how I came upon your blog but it'll be fun to read up on ya. It's been so so long! Hope things are well after your surgery :)

The Ericksons said...

Oh Kamri! I really hope this helps and you have a good doctor who will listen to you!! I miss you guys!

Chadli Bodily said...

Yuck! That's no good! Hopefully things start to get better!

Krissey said...

Kam- Hope everything went well and that this will make a difference. I can't stop thinking about our future trip to Cali. It is going to be so much fun!

Juline said...

hope you are feeling better! You are such a trooper! We should hang out some look like you such a busy girl these days...let me know!

Jeri Dawn said...

Hey! I found your blog through Wally's (Travis)--well, his wife's. Tell good 'ole Todd that I said hi and yes, I still have his tupperware.

kaylafina said...

Hey! Just found you! I hope that everything is going well. I had fun at the reunion. Thanks for hanging out with me. Talk to you later! Kayla